Comics by James Beoddy in The Columbus Free Press

Jim believed in and supported The Columbus Free Press.

 His comics and artwork frequently appeared in the publication.





April 1981

Strange TV interference preempts Frumper Room.

December 22, 1982

A special edition dedicated to the fire at the Northend Community Center.

February 1981

Suitcase looks for justice during the Vietnam War.

February 1983

The going ain’t easy for Buckethead and Suitcase.

February 1984

Suitcase in “Methinx Something Sphinx!”

Freeptoon 2001

U.S social decent in the face of George W. Bush.

Freeptoon 2002

Reality is relative.

Goblinhood Zark

Global annihilation, and how to prepare for it.


The fall of our trust in the politicians.

January 1983

Jim’s thank-you message to the Northend Community Center after their building was destroyed in a fire.

January 1998

Jim drew four panels for this edition.

July and August 1981

Suitcase interviews Buckethead about his adventure with his friend Paul Volker.

July and August 1995

Enjoy a full page Radioactive Toon staring Soupcan.

July 1984

The Acid Warriors turn the acid rain electric.

March 1991

Jim drew an advertisement for the premier of “Citizen Pain”.

March 1984

“The Origin Of Suitcase”

May 1981

Suitcase stars in this adventure in the skies over Columbus.

May 1995

Goblinhood and Soupcan discuss the Kent State University murders.

Movie Reviews

Suitcase reviews “Caligula” and “Brazil”.

November 1980

The mighty Suitcase doll reviews the movie “Caligula”.

November 1981

Suitcase turns the tables on big government.

November 1983

A book review of “The Transmigraion Of Timothy Archer”.


The Free Press celibates 30 years of publication and Jim contributes this retrospective series.

October 1982

Suitcase is rudely accosted on his way to view the mural “Synchronauts”.

October 1983

“Buckethead And The Amazing Suitcase Doll”

October 1984

Goblinhood reviews a book about a man with an ax to grind.

September 1981

Frumper and Weevil discuss the movie “Outland”.

September 1984

Suitcase Doll is upset about government waste.

Soup Can

A different kind of super hero.

Spring 1998

Goblinhood explores nonconformity in society. Three panels.

Summer 1998

A three panel Grizzlytoon about the ugly underbelly of Global Capitalism and Business.

Summer 2000

Three panels celebrate the Freep’s 30th anniversary.

The Frumper Room

Jim’s largest series of comics for The Free Press.

The Mystery Of Picasso

A movie review by the thoughtful Suitcase Doll.


Has Goblinhood met his match?

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Photographs of Jim’s paintings are by Fred Scruton Photography.



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